The album is the result of the collaboration between the American singer of Armenian origins Anaïs Tekerian and the guitarist Anna Garano, who met in New York a few years ago. Ansahman – which in Armenian means “unlimited” – is the name of the duo that also gives its name to the CD. The guitarist from Trieste arranged and reworked for Anaïs's voice and for her own guitar, rich in Andalusian inflections, the traditional Armenian melodies, some well-known, others unknown, collected on the album. In three songs the two musicians make use of the special presence of Kinan Azmeh, a Syrian clarinetist, whose unmistakable and intense sound has earned him numerous international awards. The duo has already performed successfully in the United States and Europe. He also participates, performing this repertoire, in the theater show "Lost Spring", conceived in 2015 by Kevork Mourad, a Syrian artist of Armenian origins, and by Anaïs Tekerian, as a tribute to the memory of the Armenian genocide. This album was created by Giulio Cesare Ricci after hearing the auditions of the songs, which he was enchanted by. However, for logistical reasons – Anaïs Tekerian lives in New York – it was not recorded with the usual fonè standards, but in a studio. All the sounds were subsequently "processed" with the analogue suite that Ricci uses to give unique sounds to the records he releases.