ACCARDO20 - 021 - Hi-Res Audio - Classic

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Versione per violino e archi di Salvatore Accardo e Francesco Fiore

CELOS   6.25
Versione per violino e archi di Salvatore Accardo e Francesco Fiore

Versione per violino e orchestra di Salvatore Accardo e Francesco Fiore
Pianista: Laura Manzini - Arpista: Anna Loro

TANGO I     7.53
TANGO II    6.03
TANGO III   4.37

Versione per violino e archi di Salvatore Accardo e Francesco Fiore

TANGO N°1   4.08
Para Orcuesta de Cuerda

TANGO N°2   3.09
Para Orcuesta de Cuerda
Violino solista: Enzo Bolognese

This album was recorded by Giulio Cesare Ricci at Pontificio Istituto di Musica Sacra in Roma on May 2001.
The absolute protagonist is the Maestro Salvatore Accardo, violinist and conductor of the Italian Chamber Orchestra.
To underline the violin revision by Accardo of the most famous piece "Le Grand Tango" which gives the title to the album.
The relationship between the musician Astor Piazzolla and Salvatore Accardo was one of friendship and great mutual respect
For this recording Giulio Cesare Ricci used the original tube microphones Neumann U47, U48, M49 and all its equipment: mike pre-amplifiers, digital, line, microphone and supply cables Signoricci.
Recorded in Stereo DSD on Pyramix using dCS A/D and D/A converters.
Also for this recording Giulio Cesare Ricci used a "field effect" recording technique, natural sound, without the use of equalizers, no sound expansion and compression systems ... all this to make the listener live in his own system domestic hifi the live effect as if he was present at the performances.

An album not to be missed!

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